One thing I've noticed is that people don't really know what us buffalo smell like. Some assume that we smell like a farm or manure because we're "animals." That pisses me off. Don't assume that I smell bad just because I'm not human. I've encountered plenty of stinky humans out there who smell way worse than any buffalo I know.

Sometimes people's lack of knowledge on buffalo fragrance works to my advantage. I can think of half a dozen occasions when some drunk girl at a party came and smelled my fur.
You can't beat that.
It's difficult to judge one's own aroma but in my opinion, I smell like a sunny day in the summer with sound of children laughing in the distance.
In other news, I have two screenings coming up for my short film "Thick as Thieves" that I made with my friend Marshall. Next week it's going to play at the UT-Rice showcase in Houston. This was exciting news because out of the four UT films selected, ours was the only undergrad one.

The second screening is going to be in the SXSW film festival in March. The shorts program hasn't been announced yet so I won't know until later what day it screens.
In a lot of ways this is much more fun for me than last year when my web-series, "The Wingmen," was a finalist in the SXSW Greenlight Awards. I think the difference is that I didn't get a full filmmaker badge because I was going out of town and there are five other writer/directors for the show.
I am looking forward to more free sandwiches.
Speaking of sandwiches, that reminds me of my old job as a crosswalk attendant at an elementary school. At the time it was just a way for me to make some extra spending money but looking back, I think it really had an impact on me.
I hate children. If I ever have children, please kill me. Or my children. Actually, kill them. That's better because for one, I bet they would be easier to take out and two, then I wouldn't be dead.
First of all, congrats on your film. Secondly, nice work on the animation. The legs turned out really nicely.